Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love and the horizon.

I’ve had writers block for some time now. Something is clogged, that’s for sure. With worry, fear and anxiety? Probably. Annnnd I don’t ever want to write out of the wrong motives. Or from somewhere I haven’t been. Anyway, I am going to try this. Because pressuring this clog with some kind of flow might have the power to unstop the blockage.
The first thing I’ve been wanting  to write about is, something that has been happening in my class. I believe it is a form of intercession and the Lord showing me the power a true intercessor has. How they can move His heart with their heart. When they are genuine and compassionate about another with their petitions.
This has never happened before with my kids. It has just been this past week. And in that week, there have been 3 or 4 different instances spread out throughout the week.
A lot of times when the kids need a consequence I will either put them in time-out or sit them down to “take a break”. It usually means that they have to sit out for a period of time from what the other kids are doing. And they are separated from them.
On these 3 or 4 occasions, another child in the class has come up to me and pleaded for the child that was sitting in time out or taking a break: “Can _______ please get out of time out?” “Can ________ please come back with us?!” So here you see three of us. One child in time out/taking a break, one child standing in between, and the one that holds the power of putting the consequence into action and the power to relieve the child from their consequence. When the child in between was moved to come to me, it moved me. Their heart changed mine. I was moved for both children. I see intercession.
I think we really limit and underestimate Our Fathers Love for us…. The God of the Universe’s Love for His people. Not to see them destroyed or not make it. But to fight for them. And to raise up a people that will fight for them too. When the focus comes off ourselves and solely on others. Standing in between, not just in prayer, but a vessel. Carrying His presence….His substance. Touching people all the time with His power and goodness. With His breath of revival. A people that don’t want anyone separated from the body. These children are only 2 ½ and 3 years old. And I witness their love for each other. It’s obviously not 100%, but it’s there and it’s alive. And I pray that it continues to grow out of control. That they will be a generation overflowing with that compassion and Love. A longing and fight in them for unity. The child that stood in between didn’t just sit back and enjoy that fact that they weren’t the one sitting out, not caring about the other, and just glad that they weren’t separated. No, these children  didn’t like the scenario.  
You realize that Yeshua was an intercessor for us. He stood in between us and The Father. To initiate us into The Family. And we are called to do the same. A sea of laid down Lovers. People that laid down their lives to initiate others into The Family. “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:  freely ye have received, freely give.” We don’t receive just to receive for ourselves. So we can be safe and sound and that’s it. No…we receive to give. It’s not fair to take a seat in the family and just sit there. While others are dying (naturally and spiritually) and are in need. As we get to sit close to Him, we need to have a longing for others to be able to experience the same. He wants to equip us, while we are in that place with Him, to send us out. Not to fill us with knowledge and puff us up. But to have a true relationship with The One that Loves us the most. And take that experience to others who are in need. “I’ve been with Him, and He wants to be with you too! Come!”  Yehovah wants to bring Heaven to earth. We have the power to unite with Him in Heaven and pull that down to earth. An intercessor is the horizon. The connection between Heaven and Earth. The Intercessors pours out on the Earth. And is to bring them into into the same place. Not just to stay in a place of getting poured on. But to become an intercessor too.

Love comes from above the horizon.
Love wants to abide in the horizon.
Love wants to breakthrough beneath the horizon.
Love is on the horizon!

Let Love in.
Pour Love out.
Be Loved.
Be Love.

Jesus. Yehovah is Yasha.
Yasha means: to be open, wide or free. To be safe. Free or Succor. Deliver. Help. Preserve. Rescue. Salvation. Save (-iour). Get victory. To be liberated. To save from moral troubles.


I am falling in love with my purpose...

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