Thursday, December 23, 2010

I want to point to you! I have every reason to!

About this video: Originally done by Justin Rizzo. But he didn't have this song up on youtube. So, this is a cover. Shout out to Bryan, whoever you are! Who obviously has a heart for the Lord. Bless him! Also, shout out to Justin Rizzo! If you have never heard of him, please check him out!

An old blog that I was thinking about this morning! And it made me smile. Thinking about Him and how much He Loves us! Be encouraged! And look for Him! He is there! Waiting for you to turn even just a little bit, toward Him!Or to just lay before Him and give Him your burdens...your mind...your heart...confusion...fear....He wants it. He wants to move in Your Life. SURRENDER!! SWEET SURRENDER!! ; )

I want to point to You. I have EVERY reason to!

"Come! COME! Behold! Here He is! Look at Him! Partake!!"

"This is Him! This is my Dad! My King! He's the best thing in the whole world! I know it! I promise you! Come!"

Then I see people running to You. Falling on their knees. Taking the path. The one that leads to You.
And I see tears in Your eyes.
And I know it's because they're returning.
It's because You love them and You're glad to have them home.
You're desperate to see their souls set free from every thing that's not of You.
Lies. Bondages. Sickness. Deception. Darkness. Oppression.
From every thing that causes them to limit You.
From every thing that causes them to settle.
From every thing that makes You look like something You're not.
You long for them to see who You truly are.
The One that created them.
The One that drew up their blueprint.
And Your tears are for all the time they didn't see You.
The real You.
All the time they didn't trust You.
All the time they chose other things over You.
While You know that You love them most. More than those "things".
All the time You just wanted them to know the Truth.
Wanting them to turn.
So You could Love on them.
The tears are for the reunion.
They joy.
The time has come.
They're back.
Your people.
Your children.

And You look back at me. And we smile at each other. And in the spirit we embrace each other. Because we both know what's happening. And I whisper in Your ear..."I adore You, Dad!"

1 comment:

  1. "And You look back at me. And we smile at each other. And in the spirit we embrace each other. Because we both know what's happening. And I whisper in Your ear..."I adore You, Dad!""
    I can't even handle this!!!!! In the best way possible, that is.
