Monday, July 9, 2012

ART OF THE WEEK: July 9-14 #2

"Terms and Conditions":

If you like this piece and want to have it for yourself, you can donate $1.00 and enter into a drawing. At the end of the WEEK, I pick a name for each piece. Whoever I pick for that week, gets the art. After the $1.00 donation, the winner will pay an addition $9.00 for the art which includes the money for shipping. So, winners will be paying $10.00 altogether for the artwork. Whatever money is left over after shipping will be divided in half. Half of the funds will go to me and my business and half will go to a person in need, or a cause. At the end of the MONTH, I count up the funds that I set aside to donate. I will pick someone or something that is on my heart that could use the blessing and I give it to them (you have to trust me enough to know I will give it the right cause/person).

If you are familiar with probability, you know that the more times your name is in a drawing, the more likely you are to win. If it is a piece that you really like, you can put your name in as many times as you want for $1.00. Example: If you want to put your name in 5 times, you donate $5.00.

I will post the art every Monday and announce the winner(s) every Sunday.

If you are interested in this piece, there is a donate button in the upper left hand corner of my webpage above "King Jesus". If you click on that, it will take you to PayPal. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. Look closely for the link that gives you the option to pay without having an account. It's there, you just have to look because they make it hard to find. If you have donated, put your name in the comments of this post and how many dollars you donated so I know how many times to put your name in.

If you have any questions you can inbox me on Facebook or write me a comment on here.

Peave, Love and Joy to you!!

(keep reading for the description)


This is two canvas' side by side. The sky and grass are painted. The flowers are made out of buttons. The quote says "Let is be grateful  to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."-Marcel Proust

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