Sunday, February 17, 2013

I think it's Patience we need...

This is going to be a compilation of both a personal narrative and an expository. The personal narrative side develops the expository side.

Personal narrative-A personal experience
Expository-A type of writing, the purpose of which is to inform, explain, describe, or define.

Note: The only reason I know what those two things are is because I have to. Otherwise, who knows... ; )

I just want to shed some light on something that is so real in all of our lives. It's something that happens all the time.

People rub us the wrong way. Or, there is something about the person that they are that we don't like. There's something about the fruit that their life produces that we don't like. It can be a full package of all three or you may just experience one. We've all experienced one of the three, or all three. At some point this is the reaction that your insides had when colliding with someone else's life and person.

First of all, it happens! We aren't perfect. We are learning, everyday! But this is something that is very delicate even though it's seemingly cliche' and "normal".

The point I want to make is this: We may not like certain people, we may not like what they do and they might make us feel a certain type of way, BUT..but, but, but!!! That DOES NOT give us the right or the entitlement to treat them a type of way or the right to say negative things about them. That is so, so destructive. It tears them down. Regardless of how WE feel about them, God still LOVES them! God is still working on them, just like He is still working on us.

Sometimes we need stopped dead in our tracks. Sometimes we need to take a step back. And allow this to flood us. We need reminded. We need to stand up for it.

We are not superior to anyone. I tell the kids this ALL the time! Why does it not apply to us adults too?!

I think it's patience we need. Patience to not react abruptly. Patience to stop for a second and think about this. To be still and really let this become reality to us. We don't always know what a person is going through or what God is trying to do with them. Why don't they deserve a chance too? Why do we get to have grace and mercy and love and not them?

I believe God wants us to slow down and be more gentle. I believe He wants us to be more aware of our reactions. He wants us to see others as delicate. He's in the midst of sculpting. He's in the midst of Loving. He's in the midst of chiseling.He's in the midst of SAVING!

We aren't The Judge. He is. And He is coming to SAVE not condemn.

Be so careful with those around you. They need Him just like we do.

Maybe peace and grace and mercy and love RULE!

God we call upon You to help us! We ask You to move upon our hearts! Let us see more like You! Let us Love more like You! Help us lay down our rights and our emotions.

Here's to LOVE and UNITY!!

Note: This is completely different from those that have hurt us or done something TO us. Not that we shouldn't forgive those too, but I want you to know, this is something different from that.

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