Sunday, June 5, 2011

I like your heart, 6/5/2011. Featuring Bill Johnson and Wade Taylor.

I like your heart, 6/5/2011. Featuring Bill Johnson and Wade Taylor.

These are some things I wrote down in my journal in the past two years. They have helped me immensely in this season, just by re-reading them and meditating on them. Especially when I'm distressed. The first set are by Bill Johnson and the second by Wade Taylor. These seeds are so powerful! I hope they produce fruit in your life and help you overcome anywhere the enemy is trying to push you down and keep you there. Because if we get up and stay up...he is overcome...and we now have power over him and can help others have power over him. He doesn't want that. He puts up a fight. But our God is greater! : )

Bill Johnson....

You and I will always reflect the nature we are most aware of. We will always eminate, wherever we go, we will always carry the fragrance of the world we are most aware of. (Peter's shadow healed people.) Your shadow will always release whatever overshadows you.

Any person, any single believer, from the strongest one who walks the planet to the weakest one...every person in capable of turning in fear if they feed their heart on the wrong stuff. If you dwell on the wrong things long enough, you will adopt a fear reaction.

The first temptation wasn't turning the stone to bread-it was to react out of fear because of not having a clear identity.

When a word comes to us-it must be tested.

Words must be tested for two reasons. You have to know that what was spoken over you was absoluetly true. And, you won't know the strength of a word until you see the strength of its opposition. Secondly, a promise is given that must be tested because your reward for receiving the promise must be based on you having an option.

The Lord doesn't bring you a promise that requires nothing from you.

He brings you a promise and then something happens in your life that contradicts your promise.

Why? The word of God has all of heaven behind it-unlimited power. God said reguardless of opposition, that word will be proven true and will be effective!

If I give my heart to the contradiction, the questions, the suspicions-if I fuel the questions with my authority, I will take that which is powerless, and it will gain such a significant power that it will undermind even the word of the Lord over my life.

He wants to release reward-but there's no reward without choice.

It's tempation to act out of insecurity and and fear to prove who you are.

If I give my attention to the challenge and I begin to question whether this is true (what God said) then I have lended my authority to that which has no power without me. God's word has all power. Satan's word, if you're the son of God, has no power. He can't create anything. There's no creative force in his words. His power is in you and me reacting to what he says or does with fear.

Then that which has no power has my deliagted authority and power. It now underminds the purpose of God in my life.

If we hear the Lord and hold to what He says reguardless of circumstances and we allow the Holy Spirit to affirm our identiy as children of God-then all the other temptations in life lose their bite. Because those who know who they are in God are not gonna lower themselves for something insignificant and self-destroying.

I can't afford to have a thought in my head about me that's not in His head about me.

The mind is only useful when it comes under the influence of the Spiritman. He wants to teach us how to think. He wantrs to teach us divine perspective.

The Lord is after your mind because your mind becomes the canvas that He paints on.

A renewed mind is one of the most valuable things. The renewing of the mind is not simply being able to quote a verse to address a specific problem. It is not that. It is a renewed mind that comes from a divine encounter. Any revelation from scripture that does not take me to the person of Jesus in divine encounter will only make me more religious. It will only equipt me to argue with people who disagree. What has to happen is that you and I, as we learn from the scriptures and we see what is is vital to us to say "ya know what? It's not good enough for me to have concept and the theory. I must have experience!"

Jesus is interested in changing culture. Not just getting bodies in chairs.

Somethings you can't get any other way then by being a soldier. It would be nice if we could just kinda coast and float our way into all the great breakthroughs of the kingdom. But it just doesn't happen that way. Some things only come because there is a taking by violence.

Faith doesn't come out of striving. It comes out of surrender.

We don't expand our awareness of God's presence through striving. We enlarge our awareness of God through rest.

Wade Taylor....

"Very often, the trials we go through are for the benefit of others. If we fail to recognize this, we may react and come short of becoming a vessel prepared to help others through their tribulation. We are only qualified to minister to others after we have been tested and proven to be faithful; otherwise our ministry will be harsh and vindictive."

"When we make a total commitment of our lives to the Lord and begin to seek the higher realms of God (being rather than doing), asking Him to move within us in anyway that he may desire, there will be an intense opposition from the enemy to our "waiting.

A warfare, or attack of the enemy will come against us to divert us whenever we begin to seek the Lord in earnest. All kind of thoughts or things to do will suddenly come into our mind. We must rise up in violence and both renounce and resist this attack.

The enemy knows the power that can flow through the life of the "one" who has been alone with the Lord and the effect it can have on those who witness the resultant glow upon their face. Therefore, he ever seeks to keep us from entering this place of intimacy with our Lord."

"The result of the manifest presence which we experience in our times of intimate communion with the Lord, will be seen by others. This will stir them to also seek a personal knowledge of Jesus."

"Once we have tasted the fruit of time spent waiting in the presence of the Lord, we will be satisfied with nothing less."

"The Lord is waiting for us. When we begin to trust Him and lay aside our attempts to work out our own destiny, and place it in His hand, He will bring us through. Then we will discover that what He has for us is far better than anything we could have arranged for ourselves."

"If I were to tell a 4 year old, "you are a baby", this child would become quite indignant and inform me that he is not a baby, but rather "big". Children ever long to be instantly grown, but this requires a fixed, pre-determined period of time. However, our rate of Spiritual growth is governed by a different law. This time can be shortened through our cooperation with the Lord, as He "works" together all things in ways that will enhance our Spiritual growth. The first phase of this law is a drastic reduction of us. We must set aside all ideas of our own spirituality and become as children. Ready to learn."

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