Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The battlefield!

Try to follow me as I go through all this....

On Saturday I went to the lake alone to just be and read and write. Sometimes it takes that for me to be quiet inside. While I'm there, a whole chain of thoughts come to me. And they led to this scripture:

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

This verse seems so cliche', I know. But what Paul is saying here is really powerful. He says this because he knows all about the battlefield in the mind.

I can't tell you how many times the Lord has brought this chapter is Philipians to my attention. The more I go through and the more He reminds me of this, the more I can use it as a weapon in my battle.

What he is saying here is crucial.

This morning, I'm on a walk/run and this song called "no weapons" comes on my ipod by Brian Whalen. And as it came on I started thinking about how the Lord gives us the weapons we neep to fight the battle in our mind.

When any word of Life or Love comes into our mind, our carnal mind rises up in fiery to oppose that truth. It says the carnal mind is emnity toward God. That is a form of opposition and hatred toward something. So there becomes this battle for our mind...for our being. God wants to abide in us and move through us and so does darkness.

Everything that we receive into us creates our perspective which then creates the outside (our earth). You can look around and see what the human race's perspective has created. We create our world with what we believe. With what we allow in what we are.

For so long there have been lies we believed and darkness we have been consumed with. And the Lord wants to wash those things away with His thoughts. That's why He uses water as one of the things He compares Himself to. Because water is pure and it washes. That's why He uses seeds. Because seeds are planted and when they are cultivated, they grow.

The more God wants to change me and deliever me, the more my mind rises up. Those things that don't want me to believe the truth about God or myself. They want me to keep thinking about them. They want me to focus on situations and issues and worry and fear and negativity. But the Lord gives us the weapon to defeat even the strongest stronghold in our life. He begins to unveil Himself to us and show us who we truly are and are meant to be. He plants seeds in us. He rains on our earth. But the secret is to rise up in violence with our Faith. With the thoughts that He gives us.

For some time now, our ministry has been releasing words about rumination. Rumination is when certain animals bring up their food and chew it again. It goes down into the stomach and then they bring it back up, chew it again (break it down more) and then swallow it again. Rumination goes one in the same with meditation. We brings things into our conscious and into our awareness. All day long we think. And the Lord is telling us to practice thinking about Him and who He showed us we are. That is our Faith! This becomes hard to do in the battle. It's not easy at all.

I remember when I was litte, my dad always used to get on my about practicing my shot and my left hand. I was weak at my left hand. My shot was good, but I wanted it to be better. So I could shoot with someone in my face. (talking about basketball). But I didn't. I didn't go the extra mile. I settled. Because to me it was too hard. I didn't want to take the time to do it. The same thing happened with me in school. When there were things I needed to work harder at then others, I didn't want to do it. Because it took extra effort. And so goes the same with this. If we want to win, we have to go the extra mile. We HAVE to give the extra effort. He gives us everything we need to win. He gives us Himself. But we have to use Him. And we will be tested over and over again. So we get stronger and stronger. Or weaker and weaker if we don't fight. The first time, it might be hard to remember Him. But after test after test, if we are practicing, we can grab our weapon and slay the giant that rises up in us and tries to tell us "I am truth". If we begin to meditate on our weapons more, when the test comes....a situation or a cirmumstance that causes things to surface in us and tell us "this is reality", "this is who you are", "this is who God is"...those things which are lies....we have meditated so much on what the truth really is, that it is easier for us to remember and believe the truth. And those lies lose their hold and their power begins to decrease.

Mediation is a form of intimacy with the Lord. Because as we bring Him into our mind, and who we are in Him into our mind, there is a consumation taking place. A union. Between our human body and Him. It is truth becoming one with us.

We have to be so careful what we allow in our minds. There is this lady I work with. She is always dealing with all these misc. health problems. And I know it's because of what she is allowing in her mind. Thoughts about herself. And just bascially a longing to be Loved and have some sort of attention. But she is destroying herself. What she needs is the Holy Spirit. To rain on her and plant seeds in her. Of truth. Of Him. Or who she really is. And I know as her thoughts and mind would begin to change, so would her health problems. That I believe she is just making up. But this woman needs Love.

I believe as we allow the Lord to Love us. And come into our mind and reveal truths to us, we will them becomes Love. And we can plant seeds and rain on people that desperately need it. And then we can teach them about the battlefield in our mind and they can defeat those things that rise up against truth.

This is heaven coming to earth. Him coming into us. Making us good like Him. Freeing us. Delivering us. Saving us. From things in us that lie to us. That begin to kill us. And lead us in the wrong direction.

We all have voids. That long to be filled. And we seek things to try and fill the emptiness. If we fill those voids with Light, we will produce the fruits of the Spirit. But if we always try to fill our voids with things that will perish, we will never be truly satisfied and act out in fruits of flesh.

The Lord showed me a picture of a cross awhile ago, and He said to stay in the verticle place. And as I stayed in the verticle place with Him, He would take care of the horizontal. I didn't have to worry about that place or work so hard with my own hands in that place. Because as I stayed in the vertice (heavenlies) everything would fall into place on earth. And he was asking me trust Him, as I let go of the horizontal and cling to the verticle. Looking UP. Not to the side. But focusing on truth. On the Faith He had blessed me with so far and was continuing to bless me with. In that place He can fill my voids. I can endure the horizontal situations and allow them to press me and form me.

I'm tested a lot in Loving people that rub me the wrong way. I don't know how to Love everybody. That's truth. It's easy to Love those that Love me. But when there's a situation where someone does something to me or acts the opposite of Love toward me, things rise up in me. My desire is to Love them. To Love even my enemies. To even begin to break through to them with an unconditional Love. But I've gotta be tested and formed with sitiations. If I don't experience that, how will I ever learn to Love no matter what. They shape me and form me each time they happen. Making me more weak. But if I take it personal and forget what the Lord is trying to teach me, I will act out of the lie and out of a false reality. I will act out of voids.

Our breath is what we project out in our actions and speech. Which comes from what it is in our mind...what we bring into our mind. It says this in a book I read. That our breath "plants the land". We bring others into oneness with what's in us. Don't we want to produce Life and Love? True Life and Love. The kind that will never perish. The kind that can't be shaken. Uncondition Love. Let us protect our own land. So we can help others come to life. People are dead all around. Suffering. Struggling. Hurting. Hopeless. They need a touch from the greatest Lover of all. They need their earth rained on so it becomes full of green! We are here to to be consumed by the breath of God so we can breathe on others. We are here to GIVE. Not just to live unaware of the darkness on earth. But to becomes one with God to overcome it.

Let us rise up against our enemies...against God's enemies with the weapons He equipts up with. Let us meditate things that are "true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things". And let that resinate in us and become us.

Let us fight for LOVE! For Life for oursleves and others. That our heart would becomes pure. Full of compassion and true boldness in the Lord. Let us defeat principalities and strongholds that oppress all of us!


To freedom!

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