Monday, October 24, 2011

Food for thought. Main dish with a few sides!

I wanted to share something with ya'll today. For a couple reasons.You will find the reasons as you read.

I am going to so called "complain" about a few things first. But it's 1.) the truth and 2.) to help paint this picture. Without the complaints, the whole thought wouldn't be complete.

Part 1:
I am pretty sick right now. Run down, no voice and a hurting throat. No exaggeration on any of those either. I had to go to work today and I had to stay. Meaning I had to strain my vocal cords all day and try to manage a class of three year olds with a whisper (barely). Which obviously drained me even more. But ya know, sometimes you just gotta do it. Stick it out and press through...Amen? Side note: the kids were hilarious. At first they were trying to figure out what was going on. And then when they figured it out, they all started whispering too. And then all of a sudden, they were all sick too. So they said, lol!!

On top of that, I LOST MY WALLET! Yikes!! I have to drive down to the Duncanville Dollar store tonight (40 minutes away) to see if I left it there. I can't call because they won't be able to understand a word I say.

So, with that being said....

These are tiny matters, yes.
It could be worse, yes!

This is my point. All these things, totally STINK. But God is still good. He doesn't change. My situations change. But He doesn't. He is constant. He is stable. And of course perfect and righteous and so, so mighty.

Those things are only temporary light afflictions. They won't last. It's just something that has to be endured until it all passes.

I realize too, that if I can't handle the small stuff, how can I handle the big stuff when it comes? All these things are raging waves crashing up against us, trying to knock us down. Trying to get us to forfeit our Faith.

Part 2:
Ya'll know I have a little, old blue izuzu pick up truck. To be honest, sometimes I wish I had a nice car. Or just A car. I look around at people driving nice vehicles and then there's me and my little truck.

Then I think of two things. Well three actually. 1.) Does it really matter?? In the grand scheme of things, does it REALLY matter? 2.) God GAVE me that truck. It was a gift from HIM! How much value does it add to that old, little thing?! It makes it priceless. And 3.) I have children's ministry in the back of that truck. In order to actually teach the kids, I have to take them out of the sanctuary. And we have no where else to go. It's either, stay in the sanctuary and try and keep them quiet and occupied or go outside and have a good time. So they sit in the back of my truck while I teach them. And we talk about our God/Father. I stepped back last night and just watched them. In the truck. And I was like...You gave this to me!! You gave me the truck, You gave me the kids and You gave me the ministry. It was beautiful. Who knows, He could've gave me the truck just for me and the kids. What comes out of the back of that truck on Sunday Nights is way better than ANY car I could ever have. I know I will get a car one day. But for now, I need to appreciate the truck. It's SO, SO good. In so many ways. A little old blue izuzu pick up truck.

I know it's hard to see sometimes, but He is all around. We just have to find Him. He wants to be found! He wants to be encountered. He wants us to remember Him. He wants us to know His goodness in our heart because we beheld it. Whether ourselves or in someone else's life. I see His Love and Mercy so much in other people's lives. More and better than any affection I know of. And that awakens me a lot of times. It helps with forgiveness and unrighteous judgement made out of flesh.

God is on a mission. He is as focused as focused gets. And He will accomplish His mission. We can either choose to be a part of this force or reject it. But the Life that comes with jumping on and being a part of this mission is far better than life a part from it. Where He isn't, we aren't safe. Our eyesight is bad. It's dark and confusing. We don't have to stay there though. He opens the door before closes it. He didn't choose to never open it. He invited us in. To be One with all He is. It takes letting go. It takes sacrifice. It takes endurance. It doesn't feel good to let go of what we want to believe. Or our wants. Little kids....they want their way. ALL the time. Even though they are so immature and have no idea about life yet, they will plead with you like they do. But we as guardians are more mature and we know better. They can want something with all their might, that we know would be bad for them, so we have to say no. Is it because we are big and bad and mean? NO! It's because we care and we see things that they don't yet. It kills them when they can't have what they want. But we can lead them and guide them the best we can to what we know they need. And we try to keep them safe. Away from harm. As they grow up and start making their own decisions, there are some things we can't make them do anymore. So when the consequence comes, is it our fault? Are we to be blamed for the effect of a bad decision? No. But we can help them learn from it. And not stop loving them, while they are growing up and learning. This is something I am really trying to work on myself. So this isn't AT you. It's WITH you.

Let us not accuse Him for the bad. Pointing our finger at Him. He is Holy and Righteous. He is our Judge. And His measuring rod is far more perfect than ours. Let's hop on and follow Him. So we can learn His ways. When the training wheels come off, we are going to fall off of our bike. But we've gotta get up and get back on. We can't give up. Because we CAN do it.

This was a little on and off track, so I hope you were able to stay with me.

Peace and strength to you by the Holy Spirit!

God is still good!
We CAN do it!

In the making...

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