Saturday, February 5, 2011

I like your heart, 2/5/11

"I like your heart: Food for thought, 2/5/11:

Bill Johnson has a facebook page. And sometimes I'll go check out what he is saying. He definitely is no man pleaser. But I love that about him. Because the reason he isn't a man pleaser isn't because he doesn't Love man. It's because he loves Jesus so much and desires so badly to see man step into their destiny in God.

There are some that I really liked a lot and hit me good on the inside.

"When we submit the things of God to the mind of man, unbelief and religion are the results. When we submit the mind of man to the things of God, we end up with a renewed mind that enhances a life of faith. The mind makes a wonderful servant, but a terrible master."


"During revival, hell is plundered and heaven is populated. Without revival, hell is populated...period."


"While God will never contradict His word, He often contradicts our understanding of His word."


 "Anything you think you know about about God, that you can't find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question."


"Revelation from scripture must take us to an encounter with God or it will only serve to make us more religious."


 "It's difficult to get the same fruit as the early church when we value a book they didn't have more than the Holy Spirit they did have."


"Complaining is to the devil what praise is to God."


 "When we pursue kingdom principles above His presence we are seeking a kingdom without a king."


  1. this page gas so many truths. thanks for reminding me what they are

  2. i meant to say this page has so many truths. thanks for reminding me what they are
