Saturday, March 26, 2011

So, come up out of there!

Food for thought. 3/26/11 am.
God doesn't jugde us like "people" do. Just wanted everyone to know that. Because I think our view of God and His Love is so marred because we bring Him down to us and equate His Love with the way other people treat us and judge us, accuse us and critisize us. Like we are supposed to already be perfect. And like the one judging is alr...eady perfect and has the log out of their eye. That's why God's judgement is different. Because He is perfect and He does have the log out of His eye. Because He doesn't judge out of a cold, hard, fragile, injured by life, human heart. His judgement comes from a pure and holy heart that desires us more than we can fathom and desires us to be safe so much it hurts Him. God takes into consideration that we aren't yet, but desires with His whole heart that we get there. Because "perfect" is really being with Him on a very intimate level. Like after a son goes off to war, and after years of being across seas, he comes home for good. And his parents meet him at the airport and wrap their arms around him and sob. Because he is home. Safe. With them. God wants us where we experience freedom and unconditional Love. Where our wounds and voids that we sometimes act of, are healed. And I think people would stop judging so much if they would just let God's Love in. Because when they don't turn to His Love and allow him to show them the heavens and earth through His eyes...we are easily let down by others time and time again. Satan is two accuser and an adversary. He doesn't Love. And we can't let ourselves believe that when people act out of those two things...that is who and how GOD is. God is not man. He is not the first Adam. Does He want to Love through us? Ofcourse!! He does and he will even more. It might be a good thing, to start looking within ourselves at the places where we don't Love like Him and allow Him in and take us through a process of deliverence and transformation, so our heart turns into His. Instead of pointing out where everyone else doesn't Love right. Or act according to our standards. Only because if we focus so much on that, it cements our feet in a place where we totally miss the One who Loves us the most. And, it doesn't help people. It hurts them more, leaving them where they are at. It's not a hand that reaches out. Or a Loving affection on that person that wants good for that person. We are supposed to be made in God's image. And people are su[posed to look at us and see Him. But until there's a greater manifestation of that...we need to be able to tell the difference. We need to know how much he Loves us. How much he wants us. What His intentions are for us and our lives. We don't want to turn to something that looks like the way we have been treated by "man". We have to know that God is so much greater. That we can trust Him. Above all. We won't be so hard on others if we do. Because we aren't trying to get that from them. We get it from God. And we are able to Love others no matter what. Not just when they Love us back. And when they are acting "perfect" toward us. We Love them unconditionally, and the salvations of their soul means more to us then anything. Disclaimer...I'm not AT ALL perfect. I love conditionally and I judge at times. But I am so sick of it. There are times I do equate God's Love with the way "man" is. Bringing Him down here, like He is like us. But I know within my heart...I believe that He isn't. And I want you to, too. I want that lie and false image of Him shattered. If we only knew His Love for us. His plan for our lives. How great it is. How much better and liberating it is then any other plan for our life. If we only knew how much He Loved us, we would know how much he Loves others. Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. Higher than any other! Our God is healer, awesome in power! God's judgement is His love. It comes out of His heart for us to be free from all that oppresses us and is trying to Spiritually kill us and others. His judgement comes to free us. Not put us in prison. Locked behind bars of unforgiveness. His judgement comes to open our eyes and awaken us. It comes as a hand that says "Come up out of there." So, come up out of there! My Lord, reveal yourself to your people! And let that be a hand that lifts them up. As they see You for who You really are...unveiled...not marred....let that Save them from everything that tries to take them away from You. All that tries to lead them to destruction. All that is no good for their soul. Breathe on them! Breathe on us! Show us unconditional Love. That we would receieve and give. THANKS AND GIVING. Amen.

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