Monday, September 26, 2011

Be encouraged!

I just wanted to share with this with you guys.

*The first couple paragraphs might be hard to understand. Just bare with it...

Rosh HaShanah (ראש השנה) is the Jewish New Year. It falls once a year during the month of Tishrei and occurs ten days before Yom Kippur. Together, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are known as the Yamim Nora’im, which means the Days of Awe in Hebrew. In English they are often referred to as the High Holy Days.

Rosh HaShanah literally means “Head of the Year” in Hebrew. It falls in the month of Tishrei, which is the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar. The reason for this is because the Hebrew calendar begins with the month of Nissan (when it's believed the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt) but the month of Tishrei is believed to be the month in which God created the world. Hence, another way to think about Rosh HaShanah is as the birthday of the world.

Rosh HaShanah is observed on the first two days of Tishrei. Jewish tradition teaches that during the High Holy Days God decides who will live and who will die during the coming year. As a result, during Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur (and in the days leading up to them) Jews embark upon the serious task of examining their lives and repenting for any wrongs they have committed during the previous year. This process of repentance is called teshuvah. Jews are encouraged to make amends with anyone they have wronged and to make plans for improving during the coming year. In this way, Rosh HaShanah is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

Even though the theme of Rosh HaShanah is life and death, it is a holiday filled with hope for the New Year. Jews believe that God is compassionate and just, and that God will accept their prayers for forgiveness. END.

Please, please be encouraged by this! When I read it, I can feel it in my gut! It's such a beautiful time!
I believe that there is a major transitioning happening. And I know there is an open door! To peace and joy and unity! An end to things that have oppressed and divided. I believe that as we take part in this, MANY, MANY principalities and strongholds are going to fall out of high places.

They say "jews", but this is for every one! When ever the Lord talked about these FEASTS, He called them HIS FEASTS. Not "jewish" feasts. He is OUR God!  If we all focus on our relationship with the Lord and in that place work on ourselves and take our eyes off of each other, we all experience transformation and the Body of Christ is able to unite in such a great way. The enemy has been tormenting and attacking the Body. He goes strong to certain places that are weak and brings division. Because united, we are SO powerful against Him. He works hard to keep the Body from standing up and uniting with each other as God's army. Because He can't stop them. I believe that this new transition is going to change that. As we turn and "repent", we are stepping into a new place with our God. We will be stronger in Him. Healed. Delivered. Refreshed. Free from bondages. I believe that there will be a great restoration. Double of what the enemy has robbed us all of.

I know for some that may read this, this may seem foreign or totally outlandish. But you can't deny that there is two forces out there. Satan and his angels and Jehovah and His. You see where Satan has damaged this world and the Body of Christ. But God is raising up people to change all that. To bring Heaven to Earth in a MUCH greater way.

Be encouraged. Things have seemed so dark for some. But this year is going to be NEW! Even for those that don't catch this. I feel like things are still gonna start going up hill. Because the atmosphere around is going to start to change. Atmospheres of unity change things. Atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving.

I personally am more than ready for this. Just thinking about it has forgiveness pouring through my heart! I don't care about anything but going forward into this. WITH all of you! : ) 

I truly believe!

A laid down lover in the making,

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