Monday, April 14, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Paint

Five Minute Friday

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed when I saw "PAINT" on Lisa-Jo's page. I knew that I could write about paint, but I wasn't sure if my students would have it them. I was afraid they would be disappointed or their lack of experience would leave them with nothing to write. I was pleasantly surprised by their writings and turned out creative and beautiful. They seem to be able to conjure up just about anything and I love that. I am so in love with doing this with them. It's going to hurt when May is over. But, I live for stuff like this, so I'll take the joy with pain.

Five Minute Friday
4A Paint
The first half of my life I had no idea how much I loved to paint. It was in my college years that the yearning and ideas came. I would spend hours in my parents shed creating what was being created in me. And so that is how it all started. When I fell in love with "painting". With creating. With the ideas. The peace that floods you. The colors. The way the brush dips into the paint. The way the brush strokes the white canvas. The joy. The anticipation. The end result. And you just keep wanting to do more. More hours in the shed. More peace. More colors. More creation.

4C Paint
After my painting awakening it became a big part of my life. At that time I had a little cousin, Annie, who was my best friend. She was 2 and 3 and I was in my early 20's. We used to spend time together almost every day. I'd share my life with her-chasing sunsets, going to parks, eating Subway, nights at the library, sleepovers watching Harry Potter and of course-painting. We'd set up shop in my backyard on sunny days and just paint. I'm not sure if it was the painting that she liked or just spending time with me. For me, it was Heaven. Doing something that I really loved to do with someone I really loved.

4B Paint
After finding my passion for painting, years later, I found that my mama loved to paint too. I started to see how much I'm like her once I got to know her. Growing up maybe I didn't pay attention or maybe she was so much my mama that I wasn't able to see who she was more than that. Now I see all this beauty about her. Like she is a painting with so much vibrant color. So now we have deep conversations, cups of tea and we paint together. We share the peace. Getting lost in the moment-in our painting. Sharing that with her is one of my greatest joys. Lost. Creating.

Miss Bellino 4/11/14

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