Friday, April 4, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Writer

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Writer

I didn't know how this was going to turn out for me or the kids. But, it ended up being so beautiful. A lot of them wrote about their writing teacher, Ms. B. and how she loves to write. I cried. I cried because, you wonder sometimes if they realize how truly open you wonder if they know just how much of your life you allow them to see. They identified me as their writing teacher, but they also identified me as a writer. Someone that is passionate about it and does it in their every day life. They were specific and detailed. They brought up what they learned from me...they brought up journal entries I've read to them. They know me. And I love it. I love we are with each other 35 hours a week and we KNOW each other. Personalities, passions, strengths, weaknesses, moods, quirks. It's the most beautiful thing to me. It's nice to sit and realize the richness of being of being a teacher when you take a moment and just BE with your students. Because we don't get to do that often. We are usually in a tornado that sweeps up through the day and spits us out.

This post is dedicated to them. The crew that I have so deeply fell in love with this year. My 8-3 family. And the realness.

"Don't be afraid to live like a writer. Writers explore. There are two whole universes for you to explore-the one on the inside, and the physical one on the outside. Take your choice; inner or outer. Or best: both."
(I had my students paste this in their writing notebooks at the beginning of the year. It's something Lucy Calkins said in a video we watched.)

Writer 4A
When I think of "writer", I think of me. It was automatic. My whole life I struggled with identity-looking at other people-comparing myself to them. Envying who they are. The older I got, the more I started to find myself underneath this pile of identity crisis. One thing I am sure of is, I am a writer. For so many reasons. God has given me a gift with words and expression. It's so much a part of me. It's so creative. And that's Him-a part of Him in me. He's everything and He gives us pieces of Himself to make-up a whole. I am one who got that part-the part of Him that is a creative writer. And I love Him for it. I think it's so beautiful. Not just the "writer" part, but the way we are all "parts" of God.

Writer 4C
Continued....I think there's a freedom in my first 5 minutes. Freedom from wishing we were or could be like other people. The problem with that is, we are so focused on comparing that we miss what's inside us. We neglect God's beauty in us and it stays covered up. Then it gets worse because we start to really feel that we don't have the beauty that others have. The key is to get a shovel. And dig. Search. For the treasure or treasures within us. What do we love? What are our deep passions?

Writer 4B
I love that my students are becoming writers. Two of my favorite parts about being a writing teacher are watching them grow as writers and getting to know them though their writings. Reading 75 writings at a time is often difficult, but I love reading "them". Honestly, there are times when I don't want to be a writing teacher. It's one of the hardest things for so many reasons. Then, there are moments when I feel like "This. is. perfect!" I can see the big picture. I can see why I'm a writer and I want to give that part of me to them. At the end of the year when you see it-them becoming writers-it makes it all worth it. All the's worth it.

Ms. Bellino 4/4/14

1 comment:

  1. Visiting as your neighbor on FMF. Success is measured in the thought, passion and feelings that come out of the minds we touch. Everyone has a story that's just waiting to be shared. Thank you for sharing yours.
